  1 /* 
  2  * PDF__CoreCommandsPerformer.java
  3  * 
  4  * Disclaimer: 
  5  * ZebraSoft.com disclaims all warrantees with regard to documents/programs, including 
  6  * all implied warranties. In no event shall ZebraSoft.com be liable for indirect or 
  7  * consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or 
  8  * profits arising out of the use of documents/programs.
  9  * 
 10  * All content included on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, 
 11  * images, audio clips, video clips, digital downloads, programs, data compilations, 
 12  * and software, is the property of ZebraSoft.com or its content suppliers and 
 13  * protected by United States and international copyright laws. 
 14  *
 15  * This site or any portion of this site may not be reproduced, duplicated, 
 16  * copied, sold, resold, visited, or otherwise exploited for any commercial 
 17  * purpose without express written consent of ZebraSoft.com.
 18  */
 20 package structural_patterns.pdf_facade_pattern;
 22 /**
 23  *
 24  * @author Sam Eldin
 25  */
 29 import java.text.*;
 30 import java.util.*;
 31 import java.awt.event.*;
 32 import java.awt.*;
 33 import javax.swing.*;
 34 //import com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.PlasticXPLookAndFeel;
 37 public class PDF__CoreCommandsPerformer  extends JFrame implements CommandsPerformer {
 40     public  String [] menuListingArray  // main menu
 41         = {
 42              "File",
 43              "Edit",
 44              "View",
 45              "Tools",
 46              "Help"
 47           };
 49     public static String [] commandFileListingArray  // command #0
 50         = {
 51              "Open",
 52              "Save",
 53              "Save As",
 54              "Close",
 55              "Print",
 56              "Exit"
 57           };
 59     public static String [] commandEditListingArray  // command #1
 60         = {
 61              "Undo",
 62              "Redo",
 63              "Cut",
 64              "Copy",
 65              "Paste",
 66              "Delete",
 67              "Select All",
 68              "Deselect All",
 69              "Find"
 70           };
 72     public static String [] commandViewListingArray  // command #2
 73         = {
 74              "Goto",
 75              "Zoom",
 76              "Page Display",
 77              "Full Screen"
 78           };
 81     public String [] commandToolsListingArray      // command # 3
 82         = {
 83              "Customize ",
 84              "Options",
 85              "Templates"
 86           };
 87     //-----------------------------------------
 88     public String [] commandHelpListingArray       // command #4
 89         = {
 90              "Help Contents",
 91              "About"
 92           };
 94     CommandPanel                aCommandPanel = null;
 95     JMenuBar                    mainJMenuBar;
 96     Vector                      menuVector = null;
 97     CommandObject               currentCommandObjectHandle = null;
 98     JButton                     nextPageJButton;
 99     JButton                     previousPageJButton;
100     JButton                     increaseFontSizeJButton;
101     JButton                     decreaseFontSizeJButton;
102     JTextField                  pageNumberJTextField;
103     JComboBox                   fontsSizeList;    
104     /** Creates a new instance of PDF__CoreCommandsPerformer */
105     public PDF__CoreCommandsPerformer() {
109         try {
110 //           UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new PlasticXPLookAndFeel());
111            //UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel");
112         } 
113         catch (Exception e) 
114         {
115         }
117         setSize(868,762);
118         setTitle(" PDF Facade Pattern JFrame");
119         setLayout(null);
120         instantiateCommandPanel();
121         queuingCommands();
122         runCommands();
123         //---------------------------------------
124         setVisible(true);        
126     }
127     /**
128      *
129      */
130     public void instantiateCommandPanel(){
131 //        BorderLayout borderLayout = new BorderLayout();
134         aCommandPanel = new CommandPanel();
135         aCommandPanel.setBounds(0,25,860,675);
136 //        aCommandPanel.setBackground(Color.red);
137 //        aCommandPanel.setBackground(new Color(0x33,0x66,0x99));
138 //        aCommandPanel.setBackground(Color.gray);
139 //        aCommandPanel.setForeground(Color.black);
140 //        aCommandPanel.setLayout(null);
141         add(aCommandPanel);         
142         addToolBar();
143     }
144     /**
145      *
146      */
147     public void queuingCommands(){
148         int     menuIndex = 0;
149         int     itemIndex = 0;
150         CommandObject commandObjectHandle = null;
152         menuVector = new Vector();
153         for(menuIndex = 0; menuIndex < menuListingArray.length; menuIndex++)
154         {
155            Vector      menuItemsVector = new Vector();
156            switch(menuIndex)
157            {
158                 case 0:
159                     for(itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < commandFileListingArray.length; itemIndex++)
160                     {
161                        commandObjectHandle = new CommandObject();
162                        commandObjectHandle.commandName = commandFileListingArray[itemIndex];
163                        switch(itemIndex)
164                        {
165                             case 0:         // File 
166 //                                commandObjectHandle.itemCommand = new DesignPatternLesson(); 
167                                 commandObjectHandle.itemCommand = new xxx(); 
168                                 break;
169                             case 1:         // File 
170                             case 2:         // File 
171                             case 3:         // File 
172                             case 4:         // File 
173                             case 5:         // File 
174                                 commandObjectHandle.itemCommand = new DummyObject("File"); 
175                             break;
176                            default:
177                                 commandObjectHandle.itemCommand = new DummyObject("File"); 
178                        }        
179                        menuItemsVector.add(commandObjectHandle);
180                     }
181                     break;
182                 case 1:
183                     for(itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < commandEditListingArray.length; itemIndex++)
184                     {
185                        commandObjectHandle = new CommandObject();
186                        commandObjectHandle.commandName = commandEditListingArray[itemIndex];
187                        switch(itemIndex)
188                        {
189                             case 0:         // Edit
190                             case 1:         // Edit
191                             case 2:         // Edit
192                             case 3:         // Edit
193                             case 4:         // Edit
194                             case 5:         // Edit
195                             case 6:         // Edit
196                             case 7:         // Edit
197                             case 8:         // Edit
198                                 commandObjectHandle.itemCommand = new DummyObject("Edit"); 
199                             break;
200                            default:
201                                 commandObjectHandle.itemCommand = new DummyObject("Edit"); 
202                        }        
203                        menuItemsVector.add(commandObjectHandle);
204                     }
205                     break;
206                 case 2:
207                     for(itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < commandViewListingArray.length; itemIndex++)
208                     {
209                        commandObjectHandle = new CommandObject();
210                        commandObjectHandle.commandName = commandViewListingArray[itemIndex];
211                        switch(itemIndex)
212                        {
213                             case 0:         // View
214                             case 1:         // View
215                             case 2:         // View
216                             case 3:         // View
217                                 commandObjectHandle.itemCommand = new DummyObject("View"); 
218                             break;
219                            default:
220                                 commandObjectHandle.itemCommand = new DummyObject("View"); 
221                        }        
222                        menuItemsVector.add(commandObjectHandle);
223                     }
224                     break;
225                 case 3:
226                     for(itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < commandToolsListingArray.length; itemIndex++)
227                     {
228                        commandObjectHandle = new CommandObject();
229                        commandObjectHandle.commandName = commandToolsListingArray[itemIndex];
230                        switch(itemIndex)
231                        {
232                             case 0:         // Tool
233                             case 1:         // Tool
234                             case 2:         // Tool
235                                 commandObjectHandle.itemCommand = new DummyObject("Tools"); 
236                             break;
237                            default:
238                                 commandObjectHandle.itemCommand = new DummyObject("Tools"); 
239                        }        
240                        menuItemsVector.add(commandObjectHandle);
241                     }
242                     break;
243                 case 4:
244                 default:
245                     for(itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < commandHelpListingArray.length; itemIndex++)
246                     {
247                        commandObjectHandle = new CommandObject();
248                        commandObjectHandle.commandName = commandHelpListingArray[itemIndex];
249                        switch(itemIndex)
250                        {
251                             case 0:         // Help
252                             case 1:         // Help
253                                 commandObjectHandle.itemCommand = new DummyObject("Help"); 
254                             break;
255                            default:
256                                 commandObjectHandle.itemCommand = new DummyObject("Help"); 
257                        }        
258                        menuItemsVector.add(commandObjectHandle);
259                     }
260                     break;
261            }
262             menuVector.add(menuItemsVector);
263         }        
264     }
265     /**
266      *
267      */
268     public void runCommands(){
269         addMenuBar();
270        // run the first application 
271         CommandObject commandObjectHandle = null;
272         commandObjectHandle = new CommandObject();
273         commandObjectHandle.commandName = commandFileListingArray[0];
274 //        commandObjectHandle.itemCommand = new DesignPatternLesson(); 
275         commandObjectHandle.itemCommand = new xxx(); 
276         commandObjectHandle.itemCommand.execute(aCommandPanel);  
277         currentCommandObjectHandle = commandObjectHandle;
278     }
279     /**
280      *
281      */
282     void addMenuBar()
283     {
284         int count;
285         int     numberOfFunctions;
287         mainJMenuBar = new JMenuBar();
288         for(count = 0; count < menuListingArray.length; count++)
289         {
290             JMenu aJMenu = new JMenu(menuListingArray[count]);
291             addJMenuItem(aJMenu, count);
292             mainJMenuBar.add(aJMenu);
293         }
294         this.setJMenuBar(mainJMenuBar);
295     }
296     /**
297      *
298      */
299     void addJMenuItem(JMenu passedMenu, int menuNumber)
300     {
301             String  []  itemArray;
302             int         count;
304             Vector menuItemsVector =  (Vector)menuVector.elementAt(menuNumber);
305             for(int index = 0; index < menuItemsVector.size(); index++)
306             {
307                 CommandObject tempCommandObject = (CommandObject) menuItemsVector.elementAt(index);                       
308                 JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(tempCommandObject.commandName);
309                 final Command finalCommand = tempCommandObject.itemCommand; 
310                 //===========================
311                 item.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
312                 {
313                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent PassedActionEvent)
314                    {
315                        finalCommand.execute(aCommandPanel);
316                    }
317                  });
318                  passedMenu.add(item);
319               } // for loop
320     }    
321     /**
322      *
323      */
324     void addToolBar() {
325         int x_position = 2;
326         int y_position = 2;
327         int buttonWidth = 35;
328         int buttonHieght = 22;
329         int textFieldHieght = 20;
330         int textFieldWidth = 60;
331         int jComboBoxWidth = 60;
332         int jComboBoxHieght = 20;
333         //-----------------------------------------------
334         int x_positionGape = 2;
335         int x_positionLargeGape = 30;
336         //-----------------------------------------------
337         JToolBar toolBar = new JToolBar();
338         toolBar.setLayout(null);
339         toolBar.setBounds(0,0,860,25);
340         //-----------------------------------------------
341         previousPageJButton = new JButton("<=");
342         x_position += x_positionGape;
343         previousPageJButton.setBounds(x_position, y_position, buttonWidth, buttonHieght);
344         toolBar.add(previousPageJButton);
345         previousPageJButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
346         {
347             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent PassedActionEvent)
348             {
349 //               docTextArea.setText("");                
350 //               TextObjectDisplayer tempObject = new TextObjectDisplayer(PDF_Base.FOLDER_PATH, "singleton.data");
351 //               tempObject.populateTextArea(docTextArea, new java.awt.Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 12));
352             }
353         });        
354         //---------------------------------------------
355         nextPageJButton = new JButton("=>");
356         x_position += buttonWidth + x_positionGape;
357         nextPageJButton.setBounds(x_position, y_position, buttonWidth, buttonHieght);
358         toolBar.add(nextPageJButton);
359         nextPageJButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
360         {
361             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent PassedActionEvent)
362             {
363 //               docTextArea.setText("");                
364 //               TextObjectDisplayer tempObject = new TextObjectDisplayer(PDF_Base.FOLDER_PATH, "singleton.data");
365 //               tempObject.populateTextArea(docTextArea, new java.awt.Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 12));
366             }
367         });        
368         //-----------------------------------------------
369         pageNumberJTextField = new JTextField("Page " + (aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentPage + 1) );
370         x_position += buttonWidth + x_positionGape;
371         pageNumberJTextField.setBounds(x_position, y_position, textFieldWidth, textFieldHieght);
372         pageNumberJTextField.setEnabled(false);
373         toolBar.add(pageNumberJTextField);
374         //-----------------------------------------------
375        // add listener to carriage return
376         pageNumberJTextField.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
377         {
378             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent PassedActionEvent)
379             {
380             }
381        });
382 //===============================
383 //toolBar.addSeparator();
384 //JSeparator myJSeparator = new JSeparator();
385 //x_position += buttonWidth + x_positionGape;
386 //myJSeparator.setBounds(x_position, y_position, 12, buttonHieght);
387 //toolBar.add(myJSeparator);
388 //===============================
389         decreaseFontSizeJButton = new JButton("-");
390         x_position += buttonWidth + textFieldWidth + x_positionLargeGape;
391         decreaseFontSizeJButton.setBounds(x_position, y_position, buttonWidth, buttonHieght);
392         toolBar.add(decreaseFontSizeJButton);
393         decreaseFontSizeJButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
394         {
395             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent PassedActionEvent)
396             {
397                aCommandPanel.commandPanelTextArea.setText("");                
398                TextObjectDisplayer tempObject = new TextObjectDisplayer(PDF_Base.FOLDER_PATH, aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentDocName);
399                 switch(aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentFontIndex)
400                 {
401                    case PDF_Base.FONT50_INDEX:
402                        decreaseFontSizeJButton.setEnabled(false);
403                        tempObject.populateTextArea(aCommandPanel.commandPanelTextArea, new java.awt.Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, PDF_Base.FONT50_INDEX_VALUE));
404                        break;
405                    case PDF_Base.FONT75_INDEX:
406                        decreaseFontSizeJButton.setEnabled(false);
407                        aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentFontIndex = PDF_Base.FONT50_INDEX;                       
408                        tempObject.populateTextArea(aCommandPanel.commandPanelTextArea, new java.awt.Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, PDF_Base.FONT50_INDEX_VALUE));
409                        break;
410                    case PDF_Base.FONT100_INDEX:
411                        decreaseFontSizeJButton.setEnabled(true);
412                        aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentFontIndex = PDF_Base.FONT75_INDEX;
413                        tempObject.populateTextArea(aCommandPanel.commandPanelTextArea, new java.awt.Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, PDF_Base.FONT75_INDEX_VALUE));
414                        break;
415                    case PDF_Base.FONT125_INDEX:
416                        decreaseFontSizeJButton.setEnabled(true);
417                        aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentFontIndex = PDF_Base.FONT100_INDEX;
418                        tempObject.populateTextArea(aCommandPanel.commandPanelTextArea, new java.awt.Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, PDF_Base.FONT100_INDEX_VALUE));
419                        break;
420                    case PDF_Base.FONT150_INDEX:
421                        decreaseFontSizeJButton.setEnabled(true);
422                        aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentFontIndex = PDF_Base.FONT125_INDEX;
423                        tempObject.populateTextArea(aCommandPanel.commandPanelTextArea, new java.awt.Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, PDF_Base.FONT125_INDEX_VALUE));
424                        break;
425                    case PDF_Base.FONT175_INDEX:
426                        decreaseFontSizeJButton.setEnabled(true);
427                        aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentFontIndex = PDF_Base.FONT150_INDEX;
428                        tempObject.populateTextArea(aCommandPanel.commandPanelTextArea, new java.awt.Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, PDF_Base.FONT150_INDEX_VALUE));
429                        break;
430                    case PDF_Base.FONT200_INDEX:
431                        decreaseFontSizeJButton.setEnabled(true);
432                        aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentFontIndex = PDF_Base.FONT175_INDEX;
433                        tempObject.populateTextArea(aCommandPanel.commandPanelTextArea, new java.awt.Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, PDF_Base.FONT200_INDEX_VALUE));
434                        break;
435                    default:
436                        decreaseFontSizeJButton.setEnabled(true);
437                        aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentFontIndex = PDF_Base.FONT100_INDEX;
438                        tempObject.populateTextArea(aCommandPanel.commandPanelTextArea, new java.awt.Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, PDF_Base.FONT100_INDEX_VALUE));
439                 }
440                 increaseFontSizeJButton.setEnabled(true);
441                 aCommandPanel.commandPanelTextArea.repaint();
442                 fontsSizeList.setSelectedIndex(aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentFontIndex);                 
443             }
444         });        
445         //----------------------------------------------
446         increaseFontSizeJButton = new JButton("+");
447         x_position += buttonWidth + x_positionGape;
448         increaseFontSizeJButton.setBounds(x_position, y_position, buttonWidth, buttonHieght);
449         toolBar.add(increaseFontSizeJButton);
450         increaseFontSizeJButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
451         {
452             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent PassedActionEvent)
453             {
454                aCommandPanel.commandPanelTextArea.setText("");                
455                TextObjectDisplayer tempObject = new TextObjectDisplayer(PDF_Base.FOLDER_PATH, aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentDocName);
456                 switch(aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentFontIndex)
457                 {
458                    case PDF_Base.FONT50_INDEX:
459                        increaseFontSizeJButton.setEnabled(true);
460                        aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentFontIndex = PDF_Base.FONT75_INDEX;
461                        tempObject.populateTextArea(aCommandPanel.commandPanelTextArea, new java.awt.Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, PDF_Base.FONT75_INDEX_VALUE));
462                        break;
463                    case PDF_Base.FONT75_INDEX:
464                        increaseFontSizeJButton.setEnabled(true);
465                        aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentFontIndex = PDF_Base.FONT100_INDEX;                       
466                        tempObject.populateTextArea(aCommandPanel.commandPanelTextArea, new java.awt.Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, PDF_Base.FONT100_INDEX_VALUE));
467                        break;
468                    case PDF_Base.FONT100_INDEX:
469                        increaseFontSizeJButton.setEnabled(true);
470                        aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentFontIndex = PDF_Base.FONT125_INDEX;
471                        tempObject.populateTextArea(aCommandPanel.commandPanelTextArea, new java.awt.Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, PDF_Base.FONT125_INDEX_VALUE));
472                        break;
473                    case PDF_Base.FONT125_INDEX:
474                        increaseFontSizeJButton.setEnabled(true);
475                        aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentFontIndex = PDF_Base.FONT150_INDEX;
476                        tempObject.populateTextArea(aCommandPanel.commandPanelTextArea, new java.awt.Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, PDF_Base.FONT150_INDEX_VALUE));
477                        break;
478                    case PDF_Base.FONT150_INDEX:
479                        increaseFontSizeJButton.setEnabled(true);
480                        aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentFontIndex = PDF_Base.FONT175_INDEX;
481                        tempObject.populateTextArea(aCommandPanel.commandPanelTextArea, new java.awt.Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, PDF_Base.FONT175_INDEX_VALUE));
482                        break;
483                    case PDF_Base.FONT175_INDEX:
484                        increaseFontSizeJButton.setEnabled(false);
485                        aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentFontIndex = PDF_Base.FONT200_INDEX;
486                        tempObject.populateTextArea(aCommandPanel.commandPanelTextArea, new java.awt.Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, PDF_Base.FONT200_INDEX_VALUE));
487                        break;
488                    case PDF_Base.FONT200_INDEX:
489                        increaseFontSizeJButton.setEnabled(false);
490                        aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentFontIndex = PDF_Base.FONT200_INDEX;
491                        tempObject.populateTextArea(aCommandPanel.commandPanelTextArea, new java.awt.Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, PDF_Base.FONT200_INDEX_VALUE));
492                        break;
493                    default:
494                        increaseFontSizeJButton.setEnabled(true);
495                        aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentFontIndex = PDF_Base.FONT100_INDEX;
496                        tempObject.populateTextArea(aCommandPanel.commandPanelTextArea, new java.awt.Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, PDF_Base.FONT50_INDEX_VALUE));
497                 }
498                 decreaseFontSizeJButton.setEnabled(true);
499                 aCommandPanel.commandPanelTextArea.repaint();
500                 fontsSizeList.setSelectedIndex(aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentFontIndex);                 
501             }
502         });
503         add(toolBar);
504         //-----------------------------------------------
505        fontsSizeList = new JComboBox(aCommandPanel.fontSizeArray);
506        x_position += buttonWidth + x_positionGape;
507        fontsSizeList.setBounds(x_position, y_position, jComboBoxWidth, jComboBoxHieght); 
508        fontsSizeList.setBackground(Color.white);
509        fontsSizeList.setSelectedIndex(aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentFontIndex); 
510        fontsSizeList.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
511           {
512             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent eActionEvent) {
513                 JComboBox localJComboBox = (JComboBox)eActionEvent.getSource();
514                 String tempgeneration = (String)localJComboBox.getSelectedItem();
515                 int mu  = (int)localJComboBox.getSelectedIndex();
516 //                aCommandPanel.commandPanelCurrentFontIndex = (int)localJComboBox.getSelectedIndex();
517             } //  itemStateChanged
518           }); // anonymous class
519        toolBar.add(fontsSizeList);  
521         //-----------------------------------------------
522         aCommandPanel.documentNameJTextField = new JTextField("Chain of Command");
523         x_position += buttonWidth + x_positionGape + jComboBoxWidth;
524         aCommandPanel.documentNameJTextField.setBounds(x_position, y_position, 150, textFieldHieght);
525         aCommandPanel.documentNameJTextField.setEnabled(false);
526         toolBar.add(aCommandPanel.documentNameJTextField);
527         //-----------------------------------------------
528        // add listener to carriage return
529         aCommandPanel.documentNameJTextField.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
530         {
531             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent PassedActionEvent)
532             {
533             }
534        });
536     }
537     /**
538      *
539      */
540      public static void main (String[] args)
541     {
542          PDF__CoreCommandsPerformer pdf_CoreCommandsPerformerHandle   = new PDF__CoreCommandsPerformer();
543     }
545 }