 1 #=====================================================================
 2 # makefile for compiling Java source to .class files
 3 #=====================================================================
 4 JAVAC=javac                             #  set java compile command
 5 sources = $(*.java)                     #  'sources' gets the list of files matching *.java
 6 classes = $(sources:.java=.class)       #  'classes' gets the result of substituting .java for .class in each one
 7 #=====================================================================
 8 # The 'all' rule ensures that they all get built. The wildcard rule tells make how to build the class files,
 9 # and ensures that only the changed files get recompiled, which given how slow Java compilers tend to be,
10 # is sort of the point.
11 #=====================================================================
12 # the rules for compiling java codes
13 #=====================================================================
14 all: $(classes)
16 clean :                         // remove all the .classes
17         rm -f *.class
19 %.class : %.java                // the .class mus be made from .java files in case of changes
20         $(JAVAC) $<             // use the javac to recompile the modified files