  1 /*
  2  * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
  3  * and open the template in the editor.
  4  */
  6 package db_adapter;
  8 /**
  9  *
 10  * @author sameldin
 11  */
 12 import java.io.*;
 13 import java.sql.Connection;
 14 import java.sql.DriverManager;
 15 import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
 16 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 17 import java.sql.SQLException;
 18 import java.util.ArrayList;
 19 import java.util.Hashtable;
 20 import java.util.MissingResourceException;
 21 import java.util.ResourceBundle;
 23 //import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
 24 //import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
 26 import utils.*;
 27 import constants.*;
 29 public class InsertSQLStatements
 30 {
 31     Connection  localConnection = null;
 33     public InsertSQLStatements()
 34     {
 35         BD_Connector localBD_Connector = new BD_Connector();
 36         localConnection = localBD_Connector.getConnection();
 37     }
 38     /*
 39      *
 40      */
 41      public int insert(String passedTableName, String name, String email)
 42      {
 43         if(null == localConnection)
 44             return(Constants.ERROR_RUN);
 45         PreparedStatement   localPreparedStatement      = null;
 46         //==========================
 47         try
 48         {
 49             // INSERT INTO users (username, email) VALUES ('Jo', 'jo@email.com')
 50             // ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE email = 'jo@email.com'
 52                 String qryString        = "";
 53                 String tableName        = DatabaseKeysPropertyManager.getParameter(passedTableName);
 54                 //==========================
 55                 qryString       =       "INSERT INTO "
 56                                                 + tableName
 57                                                 + " (username, email)"
 58                                                 + "VALUES "
 59                                                 + "( "
 60                                                 + "'"
 61                                                 + name
 62                                                 + "',"
 63                                                 + "'"
 64                                                 + email
 65                                                 + "')"
 66                                                 + "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE email = '"
 67                                                 + email
 68                                                 + "'";
 69                 localPreparedStatement = localConnection.prepareStatement(qryString);
 70                 localPreparedStatement.executeQuery();
 71                 localPreparedStatement.close();
 72         }
 73         catch(MissingResourceException eMissingResourceException)
 74         {
 75             eMissingResourceException.printStackTrace();
 76             return(Constants.ERROR_RUN);
 77         }
 78         catch(SQLException eSQLException)
 79         {
 80             eSQLException.printStackTrace();
 81             return(Constants.ERROR_RUN);
 82         }
 83         return(Constants.NORMAL_RUN);
 84      }
 85     /*
 86      *
 87      */
 88      public int insertUpdate(String passedTableName, String name, String email)
 89      {
 90         if(null == localConnection)
 91             return(Constants.ERROR_RUN);
 92         PreparedStatement   localPreparedStatement      = null;
 93         ResultSet           localResultSet              = null;
 94         //==========================
 95         try
 96         {
 97             // INSERT INTO users (username, email) VALUES ('Jo', 'jo@email.com')
100                 String qryString        = "";
101                 String tableName        = DatabaseKeysPropertyManager.getParameter(passedTableName);
102                 //==========================
103                 qryString       =       "SELECT * FROM  "
104                                                 + tableName
105                                                 + " WHERE username = "
106                                                 + "'"
107                                                 + name
108                                                 + "'";
109                 localPreparedStatement = localConnection.prepareStatement(qryString);
110                 localPreparedStatement.executeQuery();
111                 //==========================
112                 int numberOfRecords = 0;
113                 localResultSet = localPreparedStatement.executeQuery();
114                 if(localResultSet.next())
115                         numberOfRecords = 1;
116                 // close - sam
117                 localPreparedStatement.close();
118                 //=============== Start of updating/insert table =========================
119                 switch(numberOfRecords)
120                 {
121                         case 0:
122                             qryString   =       "INSERT INTO "
123                                                 + tableName
124                                                 + " (username, email)"
125                                                 + "VALUES "
126                                                 + "( "
127                                                 + "'"
128                                                 + name
129                                                 + "',"
130                                                 + "'"
131                                                 + email
132                                                 + "')";
133                                     localPreparedStatement = localConnection.prepareStatement(qryString);
134                                     localPreparedStatement.executeQuery();
135                                     localPreparedStatement.close();
136                                         break;
137                         default:
138                                 qryString       =       "UPDATE "
139                                                 + tableName
140                                                 + " (username, email)"
141                                                 + "VALUES "
142                                                 + "( "
143                                                 + "'"
144                                                 + name
145                                                 + "',"
146                                                 + "'"
147                                                 + email
148                                                 + "')";
149                                     localPreparedStatement = localConnection.prepareStatement(qryString);
150                                     localPreparedStatement.executeQuery();
151                                     localPreparedStatement.close();
152                 }
153         }
154         catch(MissingResourceException eMissingResourceException)
155         {
156             eMissingResourceException.printStackTrace();
157             return(Constants.ERROR_RUN);
158         }
159         catch(SQLException eSQLException)
160         {
161             eSQLException.printStackTrace();
162             return(Constants.ERROR_RUN);
163         }
164         return(Constants.NORMAL_RUN);
165      }
166     /*
167      *
168      */
169      public int batchInsert(String passedTableName, ArrayList passedArrayList)
170      {
171         if(null == localConnection)
172             return(Constants.ERROR_RUN);
173         PreparedStatement   localPreparedStatement      = null;
174         ResultSet           localResultSet              = null;
175         //==========================
176         try
177         {
178             // INSERT INTO users (username, email) VALUES ('Jo', 'jo@email.com')
179             // ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE email = 'jo@email.com'
181                 String qryString        = "";
182                 String tableName        = DatabaseKeysPropertyManager.getParameter(passedTableName);
183                 //==========================
184                 qryString       =       "INSERT INTO "
185                                                 + tableName
186                                                 + "(item_number, TXT2, TXT3, APP_ID, TXT1, LST_CHG_BY_JOB, LST_CHG_BY_HQR, LST_CHG_BY_USR, LST_CHG_DATE, LST_CHG_TIME) "
187                                                 + "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
188                 localPreparedStatement = localConnection.prepareStatement(qryString);
189                 //-------------------------
190                 java.util.Date utilDate = new java.util.Date();
191                 java.sql.Date  sqlDate  = new java.sql.Date(utilDate.getTime());
192                 java.sql.Time  sqlTime  =  new java.sql.Time(utilDate.getTime());
194                 for(int count = 0; count < passedArrayList.size(); count++)
195                 {
196                         localPreparedStatement.setString(1, "");
197                         localPreparedStatement.setString(2, "");
198                         localPreparedStatement.setString(3, "");
199                         localPreparedStatement.setString(4, "");
200                         localPreparedStatement.setString(5, "");
201                         localPreparedStatement.setString(6, "");
202                         localPreparedStatement.setString(7, "");
203                         localPreparedStatement.setString(8, "");
204                         localPreparedStatement.setDate(9, sqlDate);
205                         localPreparedStatement.setTime(10, sqlTime);
206                         localPreparedStatement.addBatch();
207                 }
208                 localPreparedStatement.executeBatch();
209                 localPreparedStatement.close();
210         }
211         catch(MissingResourceException eMissingResourceException)
212         {
213             eMissingResourceException.printStackTrace();
214             return(Constants.ERROR_RUN);
215         }
216         catch(SQLException eSQLException)
217         {
218             eSQLException.printStackTrace();
219             return(Constants.ERROR_RUN);
220         }
221         return(Constants.NORMAL_RUN);
222      }
224 }