  1 /*
  2  * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
  3  * and open the template in the editor.
  4  */
  6 package test_classes;
  8 import constants.*;
 10 /**
 11  *
 12  * @author sameldin
 13  */
 14 public class ConvertString_2_NumericalValue
 15 {
 16     public ConvertString_2_NumericalValue()
 17     {
 19     }
 20     /*
 21      *
 22      */
 23     public static boolean isStringValidNumber(String passedStringValue)
 24     {
 25         boolean decimalPointFoundFalg = false;
 26         int startingIndex = 0;
 28         if( (passedStringValue.charAt(0) == '-')
 29            ||
 30            (passedStringValue.charAt(0) == '+')
 31            )
 32         {
 33 //            passedStringValue = passedStringValue.substring(1, passedStringValue.length());
 34             startingIndex = 1;
 35         }
 37         for(int count = startingIndex; count < passedStringValue.length(); count++)
 38         {
 39             char tempChar = passedStringValue.charAt(count);
 40             switch(tempChar)
 41             {
 42                 case '0':
 43                 case '1':
 44                 case '2':
 45                 case '3':
 46                 case '4':
 47                 case '5':
 48                 case '6':
 49                 case '7':
 50                 case '8':
 51                 case '9': // do nothing
 52                     break;
 53                 case ',':
 54                     if(decimalPointFoundFalg)
 55                     {
 56                         return(false);
 57                     }
 58                     break;
 59                 case '.':
 60                     if(decimalPointFoundFalg)
 61                     {
 62                         return(false);
 63                     }
 64                     decimalPointFoundFalg = true;
 65                     break;
 66                 default:
 67                         return(false);
 68             } // default statment
 69         } // for loop
 70         return (true);
 71     }
 72     /*
 73      *
 74      */
 75     public static boolean isStringPostiveNumber(String passedStringValue)
 76     {
 77         if(passedStringValue.charAt(0) == '-')
 78            return (false);
 79         else
 80            return (true);
 82     }
 83     /*
 84      *
 85      */
 86     public static double getStringDoubleValue(String passedStringValue)
 87     {
 88         double totalValue = 0;
 89         int startingIndex = 0;
 90         boolean breakFromTopLoop = false;
 92         if( (passedStringValue.charAt(0) == '-')
 93            ||
 94            (passedStringValue.charAt(0) == '+')
 95            )
 96         {
 97             startingIndex = 1;
 98         }
 99         //===============================================================
100         // calculate the whole number - greater than 0.
101         int count = 0;
102         for(count = startingIndex; count < passedStringValue.length(); count++)
103         {
104             if(breakFromTopLoop)
105                 break; // done with the number and on to the fraction
106             char tempChar = passedStringValue.charAt(count);
107             switch(tempChar)
108             {
109                 case '0':
110                 case '1':
111                 case '2':
112                 case '3':
113                 case '4':
114                 case '5':
115                 case '6':
116                 case '7':
117                 case '8':
118                 case '9':
119                     totalValue = totalValue * 10 + (tempChar - '0');
120                     break;
121                 case ',':
122                     break;
123                 case '.':
124                     breakFromTopLoop = true;
125                     break;
126                 default:
127             } // default statment
128         }
129         //=========================================================
130         // calculate the decimal numbers
131         int decimalPosition = 0;
132         // count++; // move to the next number after the "."
133         for(int loop = count; loop < passedStringValue.length(); loop++)
134         {
135             char tempChar = passedStringValue.charAt(loop);
136             switch(tempChar)
137             {
138                 case '0':
139                 case '1':
140                 case '2':
141                 case '3':
142                 case '4':
143                 case '5':
144                 case '6':
145                 case '7':
146                 case '8':
147                 case '9':
148                     double tempDecimal = tempChar - '0';
149                     for(int index = 0; index <= decimalPosition; index++)
150                     {
151                         tempDecimal = tempDecimal /10;
152                     }
153                     totalValue += tempDecimal;
154                     break;
155                 default:
156             } // default statment
157             decimalPosition++;
158         }
159         if( passedStringValue.charAt(0) == '-')
160             totalValue = - totalValue;
161         return (totalValue);
162     }
163     /*
164      *
165      */
166     public static void main (String[] args)
167     {
168         String localString = "+234567.09878765";
169         System.out.println("string ======>:\t" + localString);
170         if(ConvertString_2_NumericalValue.isStringValidNumber(localString))
171         {
172             System.out.println("======valid number=================");
173         }
174         else
175             System.out.println("========Not valid number ==================");
176         double myValue = ConvertString_2_NumericalValue.getStringDoubleValue(localString);
177         System.out.println("string ======>:\t" + myValue);
178     }
179 }