Sam Eldin
Information Technology (IT)
Sam Eldin
- IT Profile
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Curriculum Vitae (CV - Resume)
End-2-End Solution Architect-Technical Manger
I am looking for a home as a team player and a contributor to the success and the future of my future employee. This page is my attempt to answer future employers, and their hiring personnel staff, managers, tech leads, architects, developers, testers and anyone interested in knowing my qualifications. I am doing my best of answering all possible questions and concerns.
I hope that my future employer would recognize that whatever I lack in experience, would be compensated by my attitude, energy and knowledge and that would shorten my learning curve.

Homegrown System
Specialty is developing homegrown system which are well analyzed-architected-designed-tested-documented with reusable components. Develop intelligent-virtual-automated-scalable-structured-cost effective system with a great return on the investment. They would free management from vendors or outsourcing's risks, issues and cost. Developed templates, frameworks, platforms, training, testing, documentation and clients' engagement processes and protocols. Teaming up with clients, marketing, other departments-development and offshore. Training managers, analysts, developers, testers, clients, offshore teams with latest technologies.

The following PDF pages are my documented qualification and views plus I love to know your feedbacks and comments:

CV- Resume
          Sam Jun 2023 - One Page CV (PDF)           Sam April 2024 (PDF)

Cover Letters
          PM           Architect
          Analyst           Developer